The Flaming Star

ASI2600MM, 360mm f/2.8, 10.2h (RGB 3x20m, Lum 30m, Ha 3.4h, S2 3.6h, O3 1.75h)

The Flaming Star Nebula is a H-Alpha region in constellation Auriga with the catalogue number SH2-229 or IC405. The intense radiation of the variable star Auriga AE exites the clouds of molecular Hydrogen and Sulfur and its blue light is reflected by dust clouds.


Auriga AE surprisingly does not belong in this region, but is actually moving along. It is assumed that about two million years ago two binary star systems collided and the participating stars slung apart. Auriga AE is one of them, its origin then would be the trapezoid starcluster within the Orion Nebula.

In this image the flaming star is accompanied by the Tadpole Nebula SH2-236, a bright emission nebula in constellation Taurus.