M51 (NGC 5194, NGC 5195)

Whirlpool Galaxy

Typ:Spiral galaxy
Constellation:Canes Venatici
Distance:19000–27000 kLj
Brightness:8.4 mag
Position:RA:13h 29m 52.7s DEC:+47° 11′ 43″
Max. height:87.20°, Apr. (midnight at +50°N)
Show in Stellarium
Discovered:Charles Messier, 1773
Details:Read more on Wikipedia

M51 was the first spiral galaxy which was identified as such in 1845 by William Parsons. Along with its companion galaxy NGC5195 it is observable with smaller telescopes as well and a popular "first light" for telescopes with a larger focal length.

The next image shows the full frame in a manual edit (580mm, ASI2600MM, LRGB 1h).